the night of the super fast, glowing eyes people...
saturday was frightening. i didn't expect for it to turn that way. i first thought it would only be a night of merrymaking, cocktails, little chit-chats and get-togethers. but as the night progressed, i found out i'm stuck amidst a crowd of super fast, glowing eyes people, and that i am their sacrificial offering to their god. luckily, i escaped and lived to tell this tale...
the venue was nice... very neat. but i'm guessing they made it that way so that nobody would suspect anything... especially me.

the event was organized by this group... "Arki Forum"...

the party started out as normal... there were kid couples with their chaperones...

there were pimps with their girls...

there were gays...

there were lesbians...

and there were firebreathers as well...

and then... an idea switched on in one of the priest's head [sfx: ding!]

and almost simultaneously, one of the higher priests shouted: "let the offerings begin!" [note the blur of the background. these people moved so fast, if you try to follow them with your eyes, everything else becomes a blur...]

"offerings?" i asked one of the members. but he just ignored me. i had the feeling then that i wasn't in a safe place at all... i was a bit distracted. but when i returned my gaze towards the front...

ultra fast dance rituals were already being started...

accompanied by rythmic chants...

then the preist said: "let us drink this elixir that takes away the bad spirits from our souls! that makes us forget who we are! and that which takes us to paradise and makes us do things out of our control!"

"yeyo! pakyu!" chanted the members. and they too took a drink from their galsses...

and then their eyes started glowing... and they gave me that scary look...

they were out to get me, i just know it. although some of them pretended to blend in and be indifferent, i saw some of them trying to make a grab for my neck whenever i got distracted...

they were all out to get me... with their super fast movements and scary glowing eyes, i didn't stand a chance...

my last memory of that evening was of two members, showing me their source of power: the jar of their blood-red elixir. unfortunetely, i didn't know that this jar had super great powers, and it made me ill, dizzy, weak, and made me lose my consciousness... i thought i was done for. i thought that night would be my last night alive...

but... i woke up... to a sight of a beautiful stranger...
beautiful stranger: "you're finally awake. hey... you okay?"
oh beautiful stranger... who are you? [background music: "ladada-dat-dadat-dadat-dawt-dawt-dadat-dawn. beautiful stranger..."]
to be continued...